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Learn a powerful way to live

more compassion and peace in your relationships

including with yourself

Open to all from 15 to 99 years old and over!

3 days (Saturdays 1, 15 and 22 June 2024) - Auckland

training cooperation group

and workshops


Compassionate Communication


training cooperation group

You wish you could avoid telling your child off, getting angry and impatient that much? You want tools and ways of managing crisis that are more efficient and that take more care of you and your child?

You wish you could get more cooperation from your child?

You'd like to understand their behavior better and know what to do when it's challenging?

You would like to discover and practice a more compassionate way of living your life and your relationships?

You'd like more peace or harmony, authenticity and empathy for yourself and around you?

You want to make choices that suit you while respecting other people,

You strive to a know yourself more deeply, your values, your intentions... and you are seeking self-empowerment?

These trainings and worshops are for you!

"Cultivating inner peace
to live more enjoyable family relationships"


For parents, grand-parents and caregivers in English - Auckland

4 morning training in a small group

Date to be defined and upon request

Contribution of NZ$400-500 including leaflet 

- Observing facts without interpretation ou judgement, to take a step back and lower the risks of disagreement about what happened 

- Growing your consciousness of your emotions, your feelings and your child's

- Identifying your needs/values related to the situation (what really matters to you, like harmony, support, understanding...)

- Expressing clear and specific requests that take into account everyone's needs to increase satisfaction and efficiency

- Both taking care of yourself with self-empathy and listening to your child with compassion whatever the way they express themself, without necessarily accepting and agreeing with the way they are doing it

- Expressing yourself with authenticity in a way your child can really hear you

- Inspiring your child's coopération and not using rewards, punishments, threat or guilt


Loads of practice with you personal day-to-day examples!




"Learn a powerful way to live

more compassion and peace in your relationships

including with yourself"
(Based on NonViolent Communication initiated by M.Rosenberg)

Saturday 1, 15 and 22 June 2024

3 days of theoretical and practical training in a small group (12 people max)

Requested contribution of NZ$500-600*.

You will be learning and practicing:

Some context

- History of NonViolent Communication

- The two axis of compassionate communication

- Duality thinking


Starting with what you experience

- Taking steps back to grow your inner peace and reduce conflict risks by observing situations as objectively as possible

- Listening and understanding what's going on for you (peaceful relationships startwith ourselves!)

- Clarifying what you love to live, what is important to you, your values, yours needs

- Expressing yourself in a way that increases chances to be heard and understood   

- Making more efficient choices, in line with what really matters to you

- Making requests in such a way the you get more cooperation and contribution

- Choosing how to respond to criticism, judgments and hard to hear messages

- Practicing the art of celebrating what works for you to sustain your life energy and joy!

Opening to what others experience

- Practicing self-empathy to take care of yourself and increase your capacity to look after relationships you care about

- Listening to what other people are experiencing, what they love to live, regardless of their choices and beliefs and without taking anything personally

- Learning how to build mutual understanding even (and especially when) you disagree with their words and actions

- While holding on to your own values

You will learn through a wide range of practices, personal examples, sharings...and fun!


* This amount includes the preparation, the venue, snacks and drinks, a booklet and a 4 weeks hotline from day 1 to answer your questions.

If this is way out of reach for you, please, let us know so that we find a way to make it work for all of us.

"The art of compassionate dialogue:
communicating at the heart level, human to human, to reach mutual understanding of what matters the most
Connection before Solution!"

Advanced learning in NVC-Compassionate Communication
(cycle 2)

After cycle 1.

3 days or 6 evenings of theoretical and practical learning in smal group (dates to be confirmed).

Contribution NZ$550-600.

- Deepening into needs and values

- Self-empathy practice

- Empathic dialogue, a connected conversation : how to share our own needs/values while listening and welcoming other's until a mutual understanding brings out a heart-to-heart connection, naturally leading to efficient solutions that work for both interlocutors.


You will learn through a wide range of practices, personal examples and sharings.

Training for parens

In-depth empathy


You are facing challenging times and are craving for support, clarity and being listened to?

You feel stuck with the same challenges again and again and you want more clarity and self-empowerment to be able to move forward?

You really want to be listened to without judgement, unwanted advice or comfort words, and on the contrary, you want to feel heard and received, understood with compassion?

Get one or more in-depth empathy individual sessions with Cécile, trained and experienced in NonViolent Communication, mediation and somatic empathy.

The benefits of in-depth empathy

  • You will feel heard and understood with compassion, no judgments or personnal comments.

  • You will be connected to yourself, your values and your body, what drives you.

  • You will welcome all the parts of yourself that want to express what truly matters to them, to you.

  • It will give you a deep sense of inner calm and peacefulness, a better understanding of what is happening and a greater clarity about your choices.

  • By the end of the session, you will get to express a concrete and specific request of yourself or somone else, not out of a driven reaction but from a place connected to yourself, your values. It may be your next step towards what deeply inspires you.

On a practical level

  • In person (Auckland) or online sessions that last between 1h and 1h30.

  • Contribution of NZ$150-180 (bank transfer, Paypal or cash).

  • Make sure to be in a quiet environment for this dedicated time if online.

  • You have nothing to prepare!




photo Cécile Baude

Cécile is a Speech and Language Therapist (French and English) trained in France, living and working in New Zeland since 2011. 

She has been learning and practicing NVC (NonViolent Communication) since 2016 with many Certified Trainers from all over the world (NZ, France, Canada, Germany, USA and  Poland). 

She has been trained for over 50 days of basics and advanced training such as Authentic Dialogue (Spiralis), Mediation (Deb Hipperson&Wayne Prince), Beauty of the Needs (Robert Gonzales), Responding to The Call of our Times (Miki Kashtan)... and has been participating and facilitating many practice groups in French and in English.


Cécile is on her way to being recognised as a certified Trainer by the CNVC and she loves sharing her knowledge and experience to contribute to a more peaceful and responsible world. She is also the chair person of NVCANZ, the NVC New Zealand association.

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